Key Ingredients used in TAJ. Hair Products and Why-Part 2

Key Ingredients used in TAJ. Hair Products and Why-Part 2

I get so many questions about why and how I chose what to put into TAJ. Hair Products so I wanted to revisit that topic and discuss some of the other ingredients in TAJ. Hair.  One of the most important aspects to improving hair health is make sure you provide the right kind of moisture to your hair to make sure it is healthy. While some may think it was sufficient to just use one type of moisturizer, I decided to take advantage of a variety of characteristics from several different oils.  During my journey of formulating the current recipe of TAJ. I decided to include a mixture of Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, and Black Castor Oil. I believe that this combination of oils will not only provide great moisturizing properties but also allow TAJ. Hair users to benefit from the specific unique characteristics of each oil as well.

Olive Oil is not only considered a healthy fat to ingest with food but also can be very beneficial when applied topically to your hair and scalp.  Olive oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamins that help improve hair health and strengthen hair follicles. The fatty acids in Olive oil can help repair damaged hair that typically can cause split ends. Many have stated that using Olive oil in their hair helps condition the hair which adds moisture to the hair and also helps keep their hair manageable.

Coconut Oil is another ingestible Oil that can be beneficial both internally and externally on your hair and scalp. Lauric Acid is found in great concentration in Coconut Oil is one of the main reasons it’s such a great moisturizer for your hair. The lauric acid moisture to be quickly absorbed into your hair follicles. A key benefit of coconut oil its that it helps repair and heal damaged hair also fighting against split ends. Antifungal and antibacterial properties of coconut oil helps fight against dandruff and hair lice. Many appreciate the versatility of Coconut Oil because it can be used as a moisturizer, styling aid, pre-wash treatment, conditioner, and/or hair mask.

Sesame Oil is another great addition to the TAJ. Hair formulation for many reasons.  First of all, it's very rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Research on people struggling with hair loss and balding, they have noticed that these people tend to be deficient in both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids linking the deficiency to hair loss. Another reason Sesame oil is beneficial is because it may promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp. A lack of blood flow and circulation to hair follicles on the scalp leads to hair loss.  Sesame oil is also antifungal and antibacterial, so it also fights against dandruff and hair lice. Reducing hair fall and adding moisture back into the hair follicles is another reason many rave about this amazing product.

Black Castor Oil is a powerful moisturizer that is rich in Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids.  These fatty acids promote great hair health by nourishing the scalp and strengthening the hair at the root.  A natural humectant it is efficient at drawing moisture into the hair follicles which can strengthen the hair and help to repair and heal Split ends. Also, Black Castor oil may promote hair growth by improving blood flow to the scalp.

As the founder and creator of TAJ. Hair Products I take great pride in using the best ingredients that will improve, strengthen and enhance the volume of your hair.  I believe regardless of the hair type we have we should all love our hair. Love is not just a feeling but most powerfully utilized as an action. Show your hair some love by taking time to properly care for your hair.  As with any aspect of health there is no one size fits all approach, so I encourage you to go out do your own research to find out what works best for you.  I am a firm believer that if you put in the work and commit to being a student of your hair you will find the results you desire. I will keep providing you with great hair care products and educational hair tips.

For more information about TAJ. Products, please visit our website: or email us at:

Good luck with your hair care journey and let me know if I can help you!

Cheers To Healthy Hair,

Taja V. Simpson




Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional for any concerns about your hair health.

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